Its compound methods such as direct compound method, multi-step compound method and parts condensation compound method. 介绍了该类化合物的几种合成方法,直接合成法、多步合成法和片段缩合法。
The surface active agent was utilized to enforce the capacity of dispelling stinks by accelerating the reaction between the stink component and the condensation compound. 利用表面活性剂促进臭味组分与缩合物进行反应,增强除臭效果;
This is useful to the investigation into the mechanism of the condensation of primary amine with active carbonyl compound and the biochemical process concerning the formation and decomposition of Schiff base. 研究结果对于伯胺与活性羰基化合物缩合的一类反应机理的深入研究,以及对于与Schiff碱的生成与分解有关的生化过程的进一步探讨都有一定意义。
Discussion on Recovery of Part of Heat of Condensation of Injected Steam in Parallel Compound Dual Fluid Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant 在双工质平行复合循环燃气轮机装置中利用部分蒸汽相变潜热的讨论
The knoevenagel condensation of carbonyl substrates with active methylene compound was investigated using ammonium acetate as catalyst in presence of ionic liquid [ p-CH3C6H4SO3]. 以亲水性离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑对甲基苯磺酸盐作反应介质,醋酸铵为催化剂,研究了不同的芳香醛和脂肪醛与活泼亚甲基类化合物氰乙酸乙酯进行Knoevenagel缩合反应。
Cyclic condensation of Diphenylacetylene under the influence of organo-chromium compound 二苯基乙炔在有机络作用下的环化缩合
The hydrazones were prepared by the condensation of N, N-bis(β-chloroethyl) hydrazine hydrochloride(ⅰ) and appropriate carbonyl compound in ethanol with or without the addition of alkali. 它们的制备,系由N,N-双(2-氯乙基)肼盐酸盐(Ⅰ)与相应的羰基化合物,在碱存在或不存在的醇溶液中反应而得。
A slow release macromolecular fertilizer containing diverse nutrition was synthesized by condensation reaction between the homemade low molecular urea-formaldehyde and the compound of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and phosphoric acid. 以自制的脲甲醛低聚物和磷酸二氢钾-磷酸混合液反应合成了一种多营养元素高分子缓释化肥。
METHODS Sulfo-N-hydroxy succinimide sodium was prepared from maleic anhydride, via four steps, including addition, cyclization, reduction and cyclizative condensation. The target compound was obtained by sulfo-N-hydroxy succinimide sodium reacting with corresponding dicarboxylic acid. 方法以马来酸酐为原料,经加成,环化,还原、环合4步反应得到N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺磺酸钠,N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺磺酸钠与相应的二羧酸反应得到目标产物。
The condensation compound was synthesized by 2 butene 1,4 diol and iso butyric aldehyde, and was characterized by elemental analysis and IR. 将异丁醛与1,4丁烯二醇缩合得到产物二氧七环,对产物进行了元素分析和IR分析。
TMC is widely used in carbohydrate chemistry and peptide chemistry as Condensation reagent or dehydrating agent but few in synthesis of heterocyclic compound. TMC作为脱水剂和缩合试剂被广泛应用于糖类化学和肽类化学中,对于将其作为底物合成杂环化合物的应用很少。